Hughie, as a young surfer and fitness enthusiast in Sydney, at age 18, accepted Christ.
After studying theology in NSW Hughie moved to America in the late 70s. Hughie has
pastored churches and held Evangelical meetings in Australia, the USA and Canada.
Baptised and recommended for preaching by Dr WA Criswell, Hughie was ordained to
the Ministry by the 1st Baptist church of Oveido Florida.
Hughie trained in the Billy Graham school of Evangelism and is a current member of
the Next Generation Alliance of Evangelists with
Luis Palau.
Hughie has at times had experiences which have challenged his
faith, and with God's help he has been able to overcome
adversity. Hughie is therefore able to sympathise and empathise
with others who struggle through life's journey.
Now, Pastor Hughie, as an Evangelist, preaches the saving
message of Jesus Christ to people, of all ages and nationalities,
and incorporates Australian culture in his presentations.